MasterGlass III Awards

Representatives from Vidrala and the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Deusto yesterday presented the award to the designer Víctor Zaballos from IED for the 02 Aqua project, at an event held at the Edificio Ensanche in Bilbao.
O2 Aqua is a project that features a well-designed, well-documented theme that has been painstakingly presented.
The jury comprised: Vicent Martínez, industrial designer, National Design Award in the Business section; Quim Larrea, architect, designer and journalist, Honourable Mention at the National Design Awards; Marcelo Leslabay, industrial designer and lecturer in Design at the University of Deusto; Jon Abad, architect and designer, President of EIDE–; Asier Extebarria, industrial technical engineer, Design Manager at Vidrala.
This contest for new ideas for a range of segments is geared towards young students in Industrial Design, Engineering and Graphic Arts.
The prizewinning ceremony at the 3rd Vidrala MasterGlass Design Contest took place at the Edificio Ensanche. On this occasion the winning project from among more than 60 that took part was O2 Aqua, designed by Víctor Zaballos, a student from IED Madrid.
The prize – a trip to Milan with his tutor to attend the 2019 Milan Furniture Fair – was handed over by the Sales and Marketing Manager at Vidrala, Ángel Roldán, and the Dean from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Deusto, Asier Perallos.
The jury, which featured Vidrala, the University of Deusto, the Basque Designers’ Association and the National Design Awards, Vincent Martínez and Quim Larrea, made a unanimous decision to award the prize to the project.
The members of the jury drew attention to the coherence of the graphic narrative of the proposal and the poetic role played by the illustrations, which meant the packaging was in tune with the content for which it is destined.
The jury drew attention to a further projects via an Accessit:
DIP by Irene Peñalver, Rubén Hernández and María Hernández from Murcia School of Design, for a very direct, thought-provoking and evidently functional project.
ESNE by Estibaliz Bilbao, from the engineering degree course in Industrial Design at the University of Deusto, for an evocative, purposeful and innovative proposal.
DRESS by Consuelo Sánchez and Natalia Izquierdo from the Murcia School of Design, for providing a comprehensive solution to packaging and its labelling.
The prizewinning ceremony which was held yesterday formed part of Bilbao Bizkaia DWeek, an event that promotes creative industries organised by the Bilbao Bizkaia Design Council (BiDC), which took place in Bilbao between 15th and 22nd November.
Papers about design
Two papers were presented before the prizes were handed over, and these were organised by Marcelo Leslabay, lecturer in Design at the University of Deusto. The first of these, titled “La reconstrucción Abad” was presented by Jon Abad, architect and designer, and President of EIDE. For his part, the architect, designer and journalist Quim Larrea presented a paper titled “Buen/Mal diseño”.
The 4th edition already underway
Following presentation of the papers, the prizes were then handed over and the fourth edition of this contest presented, which has also updated its brand image.
The deadline for submission of new projects is 14th June 2019.
The contest will feature three categories in which individuals may take part: bottle of wine, cava, sparkling wine, champagne, cider, water and liqueurs; small bottle of beer, soft drink, juice, water and dairy products; jar of preserves and sauces.
The projects submitted will also need to include a graphic proposal for the label and original ideas will be assessed regarding seals, lids and alternative, functional capsules in selecting the winner. The jury’s decision will be announced during the second fortnight of June 2019.