Vidrala sponsors the 7th edition of the Premios Empresariales Mercados Del Vino Y La Distribución 2013

Vidrala aims to continue supporting such an important sector in Spain which has always trusted on glass as the suitable container for wine due to its safety, aesthetics and sustainability.
Vidrala wants to congratulate MVD because of the great organization of the event and to all the people and companies involved on it, nominated and winners.
Finally the winners were:
Distribution Category Awards
Award to the Retailing Company with the highest sales volume of wine with Designation of Origin: Lidl.
Award to the specialized store or chain for approaching wines to the final consumer: Meddis.
Award to the Independent Distributor for its Growth and Development over the year: Varma.
Award to the Best Sommelier as an intrinsic part of the Distribution chain: Luis García de la Navarra.
Producers Category Awards
Award to the Socio-Economic Development of its surroundings: Bodegas Sierra Cantabria.
Award to the Best Export Management: Rioja Wine Exporters Group.
Award to the Best R&D Management: CDTI.
Special Category Awards
Award to the Person whose trajectory has made a milestone in any of the areas of the wine industry: Beltran Domecq.
Award to the Best Management for the Corporate Social Responsibility: Eroski.